Stop The Planning - Part - 1

When we find a handsome guy or - a pretty girl - on a free dating website our mind immediately begins to work and we start planning. Typical women idiosyncrasy that after the first personal meeting we start thinking what will be later. Will he call? What should we wear at the next date? ... The next date is not even fixed yet but...

Stop your mind! After you have worked out some successful rendezvous, you can wondering what kind of husband and father would he be. You can imagine their wedding - the wedding gown and the color of the balloons -and your life together ... Most of the women are doing this...

The men are different, they are standing with both feet on the ground, usually think purposeful and prefer to focus on the moment. Of course, it could happen when pink mist covers everything and our man loses his head and starts dreaming of to and fro running kids and weekend barbecues with a large circle of friends and so on. There is no problem with that generally, but this kind of behavior does no good to our fresh forming relationship.


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